A La Carte Options
Set up to leading & development;
Compliance Hotline
& Book
We are here to guide you through initial set up, to Mergers/Acquisitions.
Employee handbooks, to SOP's.
We are here to meet your needs.
Training Classes sold separately
1 - 3 Hour Class
Adaptability from the top down, and back up
Benefit Updates/EE0-1
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution
Diversity & Inclusion
Employee Relations
Emotional Intelligence
Generational Training *Current Hot Topic*
Gray Wave *Current Hot Topic*
Hotline issues - reviewed with management as to how to handle, what to say, and when to keep your mouth shut!
HR Fundamentals
Leadership Skills
Presentation Skills
Problem-solving Skills
Review of all State and Federal regulations to ensure compliance
So, you have a direct report...now what? Interviews to disciplinary action and evaluations!
Time management
Workplace Safety: Run, Hide and Fight
Confidential Employee Relations & Compliance
Do you need a Confidential Employee Hotline to ensure your organization maintains compliance standards?
Do you have a prospective client who is conducting a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) audit, and would like to know where your employees have an anonymous whistleblower 3rd party hotline...You can have it here!
Packages include a basic monthly service, or as a service provider that also conducts the investigation of any employee concern. Contact us for rates.
Employee Relations 101
A book for new managers
This is a quick reference book for every situation that a new manager may face. There are over 20 scenarios which deal with various topics and ways to address each one. Also included, notes that every new manager should know how to address but are never taught!
Cost includes shipping & handling.